Attendance Allowance Home Visits


Important Information For You

There are 1.7m UK pensioners living in poverty and£5.5bn pounds of benefits left unclaimed by pensioners.

You may be missing out, you could be entitled to Attendance Allowance and other extra benefits.

If you have an illness, health problem or disability you could receive over £100 per week in extra benefits.

Do you have arthritis, osteoporosis, joint or back pain

Do you suffer with COPD or another lung condition

Do you suffer with heart problems, angina, circulation problems or diabetes

Do you have bowel or bladder problems

Do you suffer with anxiety or depression

Do you suffer tiredness, falls, sight or hearing loss

If you suffer with any of the above or any other health condition you may be entitled to Attendance Allowance of at least £61.85 per week and other extra benefits.


We provide a telephone interview service.

Our specialist welfare benefits adviser will complete your Attendance Allowance application form, make the claim on your behalf, assist with extra benefit entitlements and if necessary challenge an unfavourable decision.

An award of low rate Attendance Allowance would give you an extra yearly tax free income of over £3000.00

An award of high rate Attendance Allowance would give you an extra yearly tax free income of over £4500.00

We offer this service for a small one off fixed fee which is only payable when you are awarded Attendance Allowance and any additional benefit.

If you are not awarded the Attendance Allowance you will not owe us a single penny. Our service to you will have been provided completely FREE.

You or member of your family

can contact us to start your

claim on 0151 433 7250


text us on 07378 346893

Just leave your name and

telephone number and

we will call you back. 

Download Our Comprehensive Self  Help Guides

Covering Various Medical Conditions and Disabilities.

FOR PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE PAYMENT (PIP), ATTENDANCE ALLOWANCE AND CHILD DLA CLAIMS,  the information you provide when completing an application for a disability benefit will form part of the decision making process and is often the reason for a benefit being refused.

Improve your prospects of success from the start by downloading one of our guides which show you how to  complete your claim form or questionnaire and are tailored to  specific medical conditions or disabilities.

Simply select the guide that relates to your main illness or disability and use this to enable  you to complete the form correctly.

Click on the Self Help Guide Directory to see the

range of illnesses covered by our guides.