
Our Fees

Self Help Guides

These guides are based on recent successful claims covering many common medical conditions and disabilities and can be downloaded at a  small cost.

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Attendance Allowance Claims

Please note: All Attendance Allowance claims are taken on a no win no fee basis and the total fee to pay if your claim is successful is £115.00.

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Pension Credit Claims

Please note: All Pension Credit claims are taken on a no win no fee basis and the total fee to pay if your claim is successful is £50.00.

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Appeals / Tribunal Representation

If you have had your claim for benefit refused  and you disagree with the decision you can appeal to an independent tribunal. We can assist you with your appeal for a flat fee of £150.00

We reserve the right to refuse to provide  assistance or representation if we are of the opinion that the appeal has little or no prospects of success.

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Over recent years successive governments have as a matter of policy introduced numerous fundamental welfare reforms in order to reduce spending on welfare benefits to working age people.

We recognise through our experience of assisting ill and disabled people and          their families over the past        20 years that it has become increasingly difficult to establish your benefit entitlement and to remain entitled to your benefits.

Funding cuts nationally and locally have forced many advice centres to close and there simply is no longer enough support within communities to enable sick and disabled people to establish their correct entitlements.

We have therefore decided to offer our services so that people affected by ill health or disability have  the option of accessing  a quality advice service.

We can help you